Sea Hear Nearly Sells Out On Presale, Forgets What “Presale” Means
The highly anticipated lineup for the 2023 edition of the Sea Hear Now festival in Asbury Park was revealed Tuesday, and with it came the news that tickets would go on sale to the general public Friday after a pre-sale that would begin Thursday.
Well, here we are on sale day, the day after the presale, and the only tickets that remain are a limited number of Saturday-only tickets. Every single two-day ticket from GA to GA+ to VIP to $8900 Ultimate VIP tickets is GONE. Not a single ticket remains for Sunday. What the what??? How in the name of all that is holy was that a presale and not just a regular on sale date?
The way pre-sales generally work, is that a limited number of tickets is set aside for certain credit card holders or fan club members or what have you, but it’s a small percentage of the overall capacity. That means the majority of the tickets are available for the general on sale date. However, SHN turned everything on its head by announcing the Thursday presale and in doing so saying whatever tickets remained would be available Friday. Not whatever remained from the allotment, but of the overall number tickets available. They didn’t last long and people are pissed.
@seahearnow this was a disaster today. couldn’t get to the payment process….signed up for the waitlist but my payment won’t process…do better
— Jonathan Romano (@JonnyColeslaw) February 10, 2023
Well that’s ridiculous. Poor job on the wording of PRESALE when people expect general sale to be separate and that was never mentioned. Now actual fans are left without tickets and resellers are having a field day.
— Roo (@ShtickCity) February 10, 2023
The result is that resellers have gotten their hands all over these, and now the only way to get in to Sea Hear Now for both days is to pay at least 2x-3x face value.
I have to say, this is immensely disappointing from a festival that to me was a benchmark for what the experience should be like from top to bottom. I have no doubt the shows will be great as always, but the ticketing process definitely needs to be addressed and improved for next year.