Here Are The Many Ways To Vote In Ocean County
According to Deputy Director of the Ocean County Board of Commissioner Gary Quinn, there are various ways to vote in Ocean County this year.
In a press release last week, Quinn said, “It wasn’t all that long ago that a voter’s voting option was to head to the polls on Election Day to cast their ballots,” said Deputy Director of the Ocean County Board of Commissioner Gary Quinn. “And while that traditional option remains available, with the addition of early voting and vote by mail, voters can certainly participate in this year’s election casting their ballot easily and conveniently.”

Early voting runs through Sunday, Nov. 3 with 10 locations.
The hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sundays, and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on all other days.
“Early voting allows you to vote at a location that might be convenient to your work or your home,” Quinn said. “It is also a convenient way to cast a ballot should you be away on Election Day.”
“It doesn’t matter which early voting site you choose to cast your vote,” Quinn said. “All 10 sites have the ballots for all 33 municipalities. Early voting allows you to vote in person, on a secure state-of-the-art technology voting machine and electronic poll book so that any voter from any election district can cast the proper ballot at any of the 10 locations in the County.”
One of the best websites for information on voting in the General Election is the Ocean County Clerk’s website. Voters can visit the Ocean County Clerk’s website to find information on Vote by Mail ballots, early voting and to view sample ballots to assist in casting a ballot on Election Day. The website address is
“The website and also the sample ballots contain the information voters need to determine the best and most convenient way for them to cast a ballot,” said Ocean County Clerk Scott M. Colabella. “Ocean County voters still like to vote the traditional way by heading to the polls on Election Day to cast a ballot. Other voters are seeing the convenience in mail-in ballots and early voting.”
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Colabella added that the sample ballot mailed to your home contains important information including early voting locations and vote-by-mail ballot drop box locations throughout Ocean County.
“Of course, it also tells your polling location where you can cast your ballot on Election Day,” he said.

About 471,000 sample ballots will be delivered to Ocean County’s registered voters. The ballots are also available online on the Ocean County Clerk’s website.
Colabella said the offices on the ballot in the General Election include the candidates running for U.S. President, U.S. Senate, U.S. Congressional Districts 2 and 4, Ocean County Commissioners, and numerous municipal local offices and school board contests.
Colabella noted that as of Oct. 18, the Office of the County Clerk issued 68,015 vote-by-mail ballots including 24,704 to registered Democrats, 18,666 to undeclared voters, and 24,645 to registered Republicans.
“With two weeks to Election Day, more than 34,766 voters or 51 percent have already returned their vote by mail ballots to the Board of Elections,” Colabella said. “We know these numbers already surpass the 2016 total of 29,202.”
The press release went on to say,
Vote by mail ballots can also be dropped off at the Ocean County Board of Elections Office at 129 Hooper Ave., Toms River, until 8 p.m. Election Day.The polls are open on Election Day, Nov. 5 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. in all voting districts in Ocean County. “We encourage our residents to get out and vote,” said Director of the Ocean County Board of Commissioners Barbara Jo Crea. “Casting your ballot will always be the anchor to our democracy and to have your voice heard.” |
So get out and vote!