Barbara Farragher

Barbara Farragher

Barbara Farragher


Barbara FarragherWas I the only one who grew up glued to the transistor radio with an itchy trigger finger on the ‘record’ button of my tape recorder, waiting for my favorite song to come over the AM airwaves?  Back when polyester bell bottoms were still a thing, I would pretend-announce between the songs I had just recorded. My first big break came when I was asked to announce the school news over the loudspeaker at the principal’s office.

I went on to major in Speech/Communications/Theater with an awesome internship at MTV in the 80’s!  I’ve worked at various radio stations in NJ and I moved to Vermont for a few years to work at a really cool radio station that played everything from rock to reggae.  So, yeah, I guess I was destined to do this. Each time I spin a song from the 70’s, I think of the crushes I had on Andy Gibb and Donny Osmond. Those memories come in handy as I navigate my two teenage daughters through their Sam Smith and Hozier obsessions.

When I am not doing this, I am leading the glamorous life of car pools to dance classes, posing in the crowded and sweaty yoga room at my gym, and cramming into my walk-in-closet/mini-recording studio to lay down a quick voice-over for a commercial.

I tell up and coming DJ’s the same thing: loving music is important but formats change and jobs come and go so you really have to make it all about connecting with people. When I am on the air, I hang pictures of my husband and best friend…I pretend I talk to my pals in an attempt to make new friends like you over the airwaves!

Thanks to each one of you for taking time to say hello at our personal appearances or for your kind emails. I appreciate the life I have and I owe it a big part of my professional life to you, the listener!