November is “Adopt A Senior Pet Month”!
Senior Pets make the BEST companions! It’s Terrie Carr. November is “Adopt A Senior Pet” month, I can’t wait to tell you why giving a home to a lovely older pet in your local animal shelter is a great “Opt To Adopt” option.
Why Would An Older Pet End Up In A Shelter?

A big part of my advocation for shelter pets is to dispel myths of WHY they end up in rescue. Animals end up in shelters of now faulty of their own. Their humans pass away, (very common with seniors in shelters), Fall upon hard times, move, and have life changes – there are many factors.
It is often thought that animals surrendered to shelters are badly behaved, sick, or have done something wrong to warrant being given up which simply isn’t true. Dogs are considered seniors at 8 years of age, cats around 10, and most have lots of life to live and love to give.

My Rosie has just hit senior status- (NOOOOOO!) and I wouldn’t trade her for anything while I adopted her as a young puppy from a hoarding case, I’ve adopted older pets and I can tell you from experience, and they are WAY easier than puppies! Shelter life can also be very tough on an older pet. They have been in homes their whole lives in most cases and their world is turned upside down when arriving in a loud, crowded shelter environment. If you can’t adopt, fostering is a fantastic way to help your local shelter, and senior pets are a great, lower-energy alternative to puppies, kittens, or young pets overall.
RELATED: Happy Tails – Pet Adoption Program
Older Pets Make The BEST Companions
Check out why they are on my list and remember – November is “Adopt A Senior Pet” month. Dogs, Cats, Birds, Small Animals…….you never know who you will find in your local shelter. Older and wiser is Pawsome!