Girl Scout Cookie Sales Start Up in New Jersey with Nine Types, Removes Toast-Yays
Cookie season kicked off in New Jersey today, with scouts offering nine different cookies at $6.00 per box. From March 8 through April 13, 2025, scouts will set up their cookie booths across the state.
“The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a powerful tool that equips members with essential skills like goal setting, money management, decision making, people skills, and business ethics,” said Natasha Hemmings to News 12 New Jersey.
This year’s 2025 lineup has some updates. While scouts won’t be selling the French toast-inspired Toast-Yay cookie this time around, they’ll still have the fan-favorite Thin Mints and Trefoils.
Starting Feb. 21, 2025, customers can find cookies through the Cookie Finder website. This tool points you to nearby sales locations and lets you order directly for shipping.
The program began modestly in 1917 with troops baking and selling cookies at home. The idea caught on quickly, growing nationwide to include more than 125 councils by 1937.
The bulk of the money stays in the community, and 70% goes to local councils. These funds help maintain three New Jersey locations: Camp Hoover, Camp DeWitt, and The OVAL.
Girl Scouts learn valuable lessons through this real-world experience. They develop skills in goal setting, money handling, decision-making, teamwork, and business ethics.
Text messages help buyers find nearby cookie sales. Through Cookies from Home, people can send boxes to support troops, food banks, and first responders.