Thanksgiving. For some, it’s their favorite holiday and for others, it’s a day long reprieve from Christmas shopping and decorating. Either way, its a day for giving thanks, spending time with loved ones, and stuffing your face with comfort food. This sentiment of Thanksgiving runs through every family, even though the ways in which a family celebrates, with their traditions, is deeply personal. Some families eat turkey and apple pie every year. Some forgo the turkey and eat Italian food. Some cook at home and some go out to eat. Some people choose to celebrate Friendsgiving and some people travel home to see their parents. And some families, those who this article was specifically written for, like to run races on the morning of Thanksgiving (and the weeks leading up to it).
Up until about two years ago, I didn’t know Turkey Trot Fun Runs were a thing. It honestly blew my mind that there were people out there who wanted to run a 5k before eating Thanksgiving dinner. If you’re one of those people, I honestly commend you. You’re healthier than I could ever dream to be. And if you want to be one of those people and don’t know where to start, continue reading because I’ve figured out where all the local Turkey Trots are going to be happening this year!
Some of these runs are on Thanksgiving day itself. But if you’re travelling for the holiday and still want to participate, there are a few happening the weeks before. Several of these meets will also be holding kids’ races, so bring your little ones. So whether you’re a novice runner or you’ve been doing these for years, get your calendars out. Plus, a few races also have a designated start time if you plan on walking the whole thing.