We gave you the 90s. Then we gave you the first decade of the 2000s. Now it’s time! What are the Top 7 One-Hit Wonder Rock Songs Of The 80s?

Ahh the 1980’s. What a time for America and the world. The final chapter of the Cold War, (or so we thought!), Just Say No, the Moonwalk, and of course the Fashion and the Music!

Rock In The 1980s
When coming up with the list of the Top 7 One Hit Wonder Rock Songs Of The 80s, you first have to acknowledge the vast landscape of music in the 1980s. There wasn’t much room to breathe with all the different genres emerging, and the proliferation of MTV. Music Television certainly changed the game big time in the 1980s, and while it didn’t last, music videos went a long way in making or breaking careers. This was just as true in the Rock world as it was across the Pop world.
Rock in the 1980′ was dominated by veteran names like Ozzy, Priest, and Van Halen. While newcomers like U2, Bon Jovi, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and a bunch of North California hooligans, who called themselves Metallica attempted to get their foothold on the music mountaintop during the decade of excess. No, safe to say none of those bands are one of our top 7 one-hit wonder rock songs of the 80s contenders!
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However, there were others. Bands and artists who made a name for themselves using their sound, as well as their look, to climb the charts and get a hit. As it turns out, for the most part, their only hit. The top 7 one-hit wonder rock songs of the 80s are more than just a list. It’s a salute to these long ago yet not forgotten rockers who will always have a place in our head bangin’ hearts.
So let’s head back…Back into time. To a place where the sex was safe, and the martinis were dirty. Where Doc Brown and Doctor Feelgood stood side by side, and where the only real important questions were “Coke or Pepsi? “Who Shot JR?”, and “Where’s The Beef?”…
It’s right here, with the top 7 one-hit wonder rock songs of the 80s, and it’s outta this world!