We are back with Mike D’Altrui, Sea Girt 5K Director and Kim Sambade, Director of Development and Volunteer Services for Coastal Habitat for Humanity. Mike and Kim have joined to dedicate this year’s Patriot Polar Bear Plunge to raise funds for L.I.F.T. This year’s plunge is also in honor of highly decorated and respected NJ State Trooper and National Guardsman Juan Fajardo, who unfortunately passed away this November in a tragic motorcycle accident. The event will take place on Sea Girt Beach on February 5th at 10:a.m. with an after party following at Harrigan’s Pub. Registration and donations and sponsorship opportunities can be found on the Sea Girt 5K website, or by emailing ksambade@coastalhabitat.org, or call 732-898-4094.