12 Percent Of At-Home Workers Skip Video Conferencing For This Reason
Now that many of us are working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic, there isn’t necessarily a need to get dressed in the morning or even to focus on basic hygiene.
According to a new survey, 12 percent of work from home employees are skipping out on video conference calls because they’re naked or barely wearing clothes.
Mentimeter even found that people aren’t paying attention to what’s going on around them, with 11 percent of respondents admitting to seeing “something that they considered unprofessional” in the background of a coworker’s video call.
That said, 44 percent are making the effort to look presentable on camera, while 16 percent re-arranged their homes.
#Workingfromhome is awesome, until you have to put on some real clothes and make-up for a video conference call! 🙄🤣😂🗣💋 #fridayfeelings #isit5pmyet #tgif #entrepreneur #businessowner pic.twitter.com/eoQMSFhYeJ
— Mrs. Entrepreneur (@PinkSapphire6) March 27, 2020